As the 46th President of the United States, Joe Biden stands for forward-thinking policies, emphasizing inclusivity, environmental responsibility, and economic equality. And he likes ice cream. BIDEN Token reflects these principles by embodying a commitment to positive change and sustainable growth within the cryptocurrency space and celebrating the meme worthy behavior of Joe Biden.

How to buy

1.Create a wallet by using a trusted app like Metamask or Trust Wallet. Make sure to write down your recovery phrase on a piece of paper and store it safely.

2. Send ETH to your newly created or existing wallet address. You can send ETH from an exchange or directly buy from inside the MetaMask app.

3. Swap ETH for BIDEN Visit Uniswap and connect your wallet. Then enter the BIDEN token contract address and choose BIDEN token. Enter the desired amount you want to buy for, click swap and confirm the transaction in your wallet.


Buy/Sell Tax : 0%
Liquidity : Burned
Ownership : Renounced

Contract Address :